Sunday 9 February 2014

Quick and easy ways to get rid of a cold

Hey folks!
Sorry it's been so long! Christmas is a busy time for me! However I have plans for future blog posts coming soon so  definitely watch out for those!!!! :)
But, if like me, you have a cold and you just want it to be gone, read on for my methods if coping and getting rid of a cold! I'm not a professional or a doctor, these are just my personal opinion! 

1) Accept the fact you have a cold. And that no matter what google says, you can't physically make a cold go away... However you can make it easier fir yourself so chin up and try and be positive and remind yourself that colds DON'T last forever and usually only last between 5-8 days!

2) Drink plenty of fluids! Water, fresh juice, milk, squash etc. of course water is the best for you but any fluids will help flush out toxins and other bad germs! I personally don't like water (Weird I know) but I try my best to drink plenty of it when I'm ill! It'll make you need to wee a lot but at least you know your body is getting a detox.

3) Take it easy. Don't plan on climbing Mount Everest any time soon! Sit down when you can, wrap up warm, have plenty of sleep, put your feet up etc. Although fresh air is good for you.... When you have a cold, try not to stay outside for too long otherwise you'll find your cold getting worse.

4) Vapour rub. Before you go to sleep, rub a bit on your chest and neck! They say not to put it directly under your nose but I won't tell if you don't tell!! (Trust me it clears your nose instantly) 

5) It's okay to admit defeat! Take that paracetamol if you feel that your sinus' are throbbing you or you have the worst headache or your throat is on fire!! Paracetamol can be your friend just read the box and follow the instructions!

6) Finally - Gloat! Make the most of your illness by getting as much help as you can! "Ohhhh I can't cook dinner tonight! My throat is killing me!" Or "Can you turn off the football please? I have a headache!" WORKS EVERY TIME! 

So they're my top tips for dealing with a cold and making your cold that little bit easier! Obviously I'm not a doctor so take everything I say with a pinch of salt, but they work for me so I hope they work for you!! :)

Happy sniffly Sunday!
Lucy xoxo 

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